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WEEKLY WELLNESS OPPORTUNITIES – Relax and unwind with one of our weekly wellness classes on the Event Lawn.
T'ai Chi Chih – Fridays at 11:15AM  .  Meditation – Fridays at 12:30PM  .  Yoga – Sundays at 12:00PM


Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, 47 acres of botanical bliss fronting the Pacific Ocean

Perennial Garden

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Perennial Garden Volunteers (2008) gallery image
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HINT Click the images above for a closer look!

Visitors find inspiration for their home gardens in the plant combinations in our Perennial Garden. Plants are displayed in dramatic sweeps, with striking color combinations and variations in form and texture, in addition to exciting landscaping features such as boulders, sculptures, and pond. Many of the unusual plants are available for purchase in Nursery on the Plaza.