Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, 47 acres of botanical bliss fronting the Pacific Ocean


Dogs in the Gardens

Dogs are welcome to visit Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens during all regular hours (some events excluded) and enjoy free admission. We need your help keeping this privilege available. We do ask that you follow our Canine Guest Policy, respect the grounds, and respect that some people may not love dogs as much as you do.


Canine Guest Policy

  • Owners take full responsibility for their dog’s behavior.
  • Dogs must remain on a leash at all times while on-site, this includes the parking lot. The leash must be kept at 6' or less at all times. Non-retractable leashes are preferred and available to borrow in the gift shop. 
  • For the safety of your dog and the natural environment, stay on established trails, paths, and routes.
  • The Gardens is home to more than just our plant collections. Keep your dogs in sight and under your control at all times and do not allow them to disturb the wildlife.
  • Please leave the Gardens as you found it! Clean up after your dog. Bags and trash receptacles are available throughout the property.
  • Dogs are welcome in the Vegetable Garden and Nursery but we ask that you keep them extra close and try to keep them from peeing or pooping in these areas.
  • Dogs are not allowed at tables in the enclosed area of the Cafe. Seating is available for guests with dogs on the plaza overlooking the Perennial Garden. Dogs may accompany guests in the Cafe while you place your order.
  • Misbehaving dogs will be asked to leave the property.



Special Events

Be sure to check event guidelines prior to bringing your pup. Dogs are not permitted at some of our special events such as Festival of Lights (mid-November to mid-December). Plan to keep your pets at home or arrange for doggy daycare during these special events. Here are some local options for pet care while you attend one of our fantastic events:

Covington Creek Boarding

At Last Farm Dog Day Camp & Boarding

Comfort at Home Pet Care

The Winking Kitty Critter Sitter