Winter Appeal
Donate to the Gardens this season
A few years ago, I was listening to a lighthearted local radio show where callers sell things, buy things, and barter, when a women named Jennifer called in to ask if there was anyone listening from the Botanical Gardens. Well yes, I thought, there is.
Her family had placed a memorial bench for her aunt by the creek. Jennifer does not live nearby; she was hoping someone could record the sound of the creek so she could re-experience the magic of that spot. After locating the creek side bench and connecting with Jennifer, we were able to send her a recording of Fern Canyon Creek. It is a lovely reminder of how much the Gardens can mean to people and the many ways we can share those moments with each other.
What is your favorite memory of the Gardens? Was it the first time you turned the corner to see the dahlias full blast? Seeing friends or family light up when you brought them as first-time visitors? Experiencing the child-like joy as the volcano erupts at Festival of Lights? Discovering mini lupines on the bluffs and returning for a visit every year?
The Gardens is so much more than plants and sea. It becomes part of our collective experience.
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens welcomes up to 100,000 visitors each year. During the busy season, more than twenty-six staff and seventy active volunteers work to make the Gardens more beautiful every day. As a non-profit, we rely solely on public support. Without our visitors, members, and donors, we could not exist. Please give as generously as you can this winter to ensure the Gardens continues to flourish and remain a place rich in experiences and memories for us all.
We thank you for your support,
Molly Barker
Executive Director, Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens
We hope you will consider making a donation to help us keep this natural wonder growing strong. This annual request for your support makes a critical difference.
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is fully deductible to the extent the law allows. You can donate through our website (click here) or mail your donation in the form of a check written to "Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens". Our mailing address is 18601 N. Highway 1 #165, Fort Bragg, CA 95437.
Please note, this gift is not an annual membership. If you'd like to become a member, click here.
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