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Rhody's Cafe is officially open for the season!
Lunch items served daily from 11AM to 3PM. Snacks, drinks, and ice cream available from 10AM to 4PM. Learn more...



Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, 47 acres of botanical bliss fronting the Pacific Ocean


'The Rhododendron' Mural

Noticed something new blooming in the city of Fort Bragg lately? The Alleyway Art Project's first creation is the result of a partnership between Flockworks, artist Jacob Hewko (also know as Ferric Decay), and the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. We are excited to be a part of this project spreading beauty throughout Fort Bragg, California. CLICK HERE for more details on The Rhododendron. The imagery for this mural started with the artist taking an inspirational trip to the Botanical Gardens and snapping a photo of the showstopping Rhododendron 'Pink Delight'.

The Process (details borrowed from

It took over a month to install the mural. Artist, Ferric Decay started by projecting a sketch onto the side of the building at night and tracing it with charcoal. Then he removed all the previous paint in the areas the mural would cover. He was careful to leave the peeling paint on the rest of the building to preserve the weathered look. Oil-based primers went on first, followed by tinted base coats, shadows, highlights, colors, and details, all building to create an image that appears to leap out at you from the side of the shed. 

About the Alleyway Art Project

The Alleyway Art Project works with a local business and nonprofit organizations (such as the Gardens) to co-sponsor each installation. The Alleyway Art Project is made possible by community participation. All of the artists are local. Property owners in the downtown the Fort Bragg area donate wall space to host art.

Some of the above photos were contributed by Lia Wilson. Lia designed, curates, and manages the project as a Flockworks 2017-2018 Community Artist.


And the 2018 Mendocino Coast Chamber of Commerce "Beautification Award" goes to... The Fort Bragg Alleyway Art Project and Flockworks Community Artist, Lia Wilson!

Well-deserved indeed... we are very proud to support the project. Not only has Alleyway Art Project improved this little corner of town, they plan to create a web of glorious art surrounding the city’s alleyways and overlooked areas. Thank you for inspiring community collaboration and promoting local beautification!