Collections & Areas
Located on 47 acres that lie between California's scenic Highway 1 and the Pacific Ocean, this magnificent site includes canyons, wetlands, coastal bluffs, and a closed-cone pine forest. Set among this striking background is a varied array of plant collections. Our moderate climate allows us to grow a wide range of tender species plants which cannot survive the more extreme heat or cold that occurs in other locations.
Links on the right sidebar will take you to information about each of our collections and areas.
Bloom Seasons at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens
February, March, April
Rhododendrons, camellias, daffodils, magnolias, flowering cherry, and Pacific Coast Iris
May, June, July
Rhododendrons, heritage roses, perennials, succulents and cacti, lilies, heaths, summer heathers, coastal and forest wildflowers
August, September, October
Dahlias, heritage roses, heathers, begonias, fuchsias, hydrangeas, perennials at their peak bloom
November, December, January
Late perennials, winter heaths and heathers, camellias, magnolias, azaleas, early rhododendrons, grevilleas, and wild mushrooms
All year long
Organic vegetables, quiet forests, fern canyons, rare conifers, stunning ocean views from the Cliff House, spring and fall bird migrations, whale watching with peak migration in the winter and spring.
The Camellia Collection at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens includes numerous species, selected cultivars, and interspecific hybrids. In fact, Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens has the largest species collection on the West Coast!
The Conifer Collection at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens contains nearly 200 different varieties, including dwarf, intermediate, and large specimens. Of these, 66 are species (not cultivars). Thirty-seven of those species are on the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red List of threatened species and are classified as our Rare Conifer Collection.
Here on the North Coast, fuchsias enjoy a nearly perfect climate. The Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens maintains a collection of both species and hybrids. Over 50 fuchsias have been planted in the Woodland Garden. There is also a lovely display of trailing fuchsias in the Display House. Visit the Gardens any time from summer to late fall, even in winter if the weather is mild, to enjoy the fuchsias.
The Heaths and Heathers Collection at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens is nationally recognized by the American Public Gardens Association as a "Collection of National Significance" through its Plant Collections Network.
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens has an extensive selection of Magnolias.
The mild maritime climate of northern California's coast is ideal for growing rhododendrons of all varieties. The Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens has a collection of more than 1,000 tender species and hybrid rhododendrons.
The Closed-Cone Pine Forest creates an imporant wind break for Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens.
Coastal bluff and marine zone habitat at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens in Fort Bragg, California. On the spectacular Mendocino Coast.
Wild mushrooms abound at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens in the autumn.
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens places a high value on native plants. On our 47-acre property approximately 32 acres are dedicated to ecological restoration. We also feature California natives in our landscape where they are appropriate and some of our most valuable collections have local native species including rhododendrons .
Tuberous Begonias at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens lend a riot of color to the Mae E. Lauer Display House from summer into fall.
The Dahlia Collection at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens contains more than 120 different cultivars and provides a bright backdrop to mid and late summer weddings and ceremonies.
The Heritage Rose Garden at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens features varieties dating to the 19th century.
Our Perennial Garden provides a pleasing display of an unusually large number of perennials, as well as woody specimens.
Our Succulent and Mediterranean Garden is a showcase of plants that are drought-tolerant while offering variation in texture and color year-round.
The Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Vegetable Garden and Orchard is a working model of sustainability and best practices. Our demonstration garden provides thousands of pounds of produce for our local food bank, in addition to produce for Rhody's Garden Café.
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