Friends of the Gardens (F.O.G.) Meeting
Friends of the Gardens, F.O.G., is a separate non-profit support organization for Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. F.O.G. supports the Gardens' development and, as such, is the largest contributor to the growth of the Garden. Since it was formed in 1997, F.O.G. has raised more than $175,000. The money has been used to create the plaza at the Gardens' entrance, the restrooms on the bluff, electric carts for disabled visitors and many other things that are crucial to the visitor experience.
F.O.G.'s annual fundraisers include an Art Display at Savings Bank of Mendocino County (Mendocino branch), the Bird House Auction, Wine Raffle, Pack Rat Yard Sale, and Wreath and Centerpiece Sale.
Being a member of F.O.G. is an enjoyable way to support the Gardens with a lively, sociable group. Won't you consider joining us in support of the Gardens?
Schedule Details: First Tuesday every month (except July) at 1:00pm.
Location: Gardens Meeting Room
Contact: Kittie Meredith
Contact Email: onebratkat@aol.com
Contact Phone: 707-962-0660