Friends of the Gardens
Mission: To promote and advance the welfare and development of Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens.
Friends of the Gardens (FOG), is a separate non-profit support organization for Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. FOG supports the Gardens' development and, as such, is the largest contributor to the growth of the Garden. Since it was formed in 1999, FOG has raised more than $569,500 in support of the Gardens! This money has been used to create the plaza at the Gardens Entrance, the restrooms on the bluff, the purchase of electric carts for disabled visitors, and many other items that are crucial to a great visitor experience. FOG raises money through the annual Birdhouse Auction, Holiday Wreath Sale, and other such events.
Being a member of FOG is an enjoyable and social way to support the Gardens. Becoming a member of Friends of the Gardens is a great way to add your support to the Gardens (FOG is a separate non-profit entity from Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens). Throughout the year, fundraisers are held to raise money for the Gardens. Annual membership dues are $10 for an individual and $15 for a family. To become a FOG member, please contact Kittie Meredith at 707-962-0660 or
Friends of the Gardens meets in the Gardens' Meeting Room the first Tuesday of every month, except July and December. Meetings start at 4:00pm, are usually less than an hour, and are followed by refreshments and social time among the members.
Photo Gallery of FOG fun and fundraisers
2025 Fundraiser Events
Birdhouse Auction: Bidding opens around Memorial Day
FOG Holiday Cafe: Nov - Dec during Festival of Ligths
Annual membership dues are $10 for an individual and $15 for a family. To become a FOG member, please contact Kittie Meredith at 707-962-0660 or
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